You’ve reached your goal weight. What’s next?

Losing a significant amount of weight is a considerable achievement, and we congratulate you! We don’t have to tell you that it takes hard work, consistency, and dedication. Many people find that after they’ve lost the excess weight through healthy eating and exercise, they haven’t quite reached their aesthetic goals. This is where body contouring comes in. After you’ve put in the work, we help remove any loose skin and excess fat to create a more ideal body contour.

A body contouring surgery may include a combination of the following procedures:

  • Tummy tuck
  • Arm lift
  • Breast lift
  • Lower body lift
  • Facelift
  • Medial thigh lift

Body contouring surgery in Sacramento

We will personalize and custom tailor your body contouring surgery to match your personal goals and your unique anatomy. In your initial consultation, we will take our time to really get to know you and speak with you about your goals for your body. Every person is unique, and we will devise a surgical plan that will resolve the issues of importance to you. Depending on the extent of your surgery, we perform your body contouring in stages, rather than in one surgery. 

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What is the procedure like?

Since we personalize body contouring surgery to meet each individual patient’s needs, it is difficult to say how long the surgery will take. In many cases, we will perform a set of contouring procedures in stages. You will be under general anesthesia, so you will be asleep for the duration of the surgery and won’t remember the procedure, or experience pain. Your body contouring procedures may involve liposuction, removing excess skin and tissue, and tightening your skin so it reveals your new figure beautifully. 

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How much time will I have to take off from work?

After your surgery, we will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to help make your recovery as smooth as possible. You can expect to be quite sore for the first few weeks. You will have prescription pain medications to keep you comfortable in the first phase of healing. Your recovery time will depend upon the extent of your surgery, but it generally takes about four to six weeks before you return to your usual activities. You may be able to return to work in about two weeks to a job that is not physically demanding.

We are here to bring out the best in you

At SVIA in Sacramento, our entire team is passionate about helping you reach your aesthetic goals. Our founders Dr. Jerome Liu and Dr. Tom Liu are board-certified, aesthetic fellowship-trained plastic surgeons who have established a private center focused on helping people feel inspired and confident. 

Armed with advanced surgical skills, training, and experience, you will be under the care of a team that is compassionate, approachable, and highly professional. We would be honored to be a part of your aesthetic journey.

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