Are you tired of living with cellulite?

Our practice, led by our board-certified and aesthetic fellowship-trained plastic surgery founders, Dr. Jerome Liu, and Dr. Tom Liu, helps you achieve smooth thighs and butt with a truly unique aesthetic experience. Cellfina is a minimally invasive procedure to treat cellulite. It works by targeting the connective tissue – the fibrous bands that cause cellulite. The bands connect to tissue underneath; they can pull the skin in, leading nearby fat to bulge and creating the small depressions known as cellulite dimples.

When you want the very best: SVIA.

We elevate your aesthetic at SVIA. We are compassionate, professional, informational, and approachable, and we are passionate about providing a truly unique aesthetic experience that is personalized for your needs and aesthetic goals. When you are interested in treating cellulite with Cellfina, we will first meet with you to ascertain your medical history and your ultimate aims. Then, we will create a treatment plan with you to help you achieve them. You typically can have Cellfina if you:

  • Have minimal skin looseness, or laxity
  • Are between 20 and 60 years old
  • Are at a stable weight

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How long does a Cellfina treatment take?

Cellfina is a minimally invasive procedure, performed at our luxury Sacramento offices. On the day of your treatment, we will ask you to stand so we can mark the locations of the cellulite dimples. Then, we will apply topical anesthesia and place a handheld device on your skin. (You may feel some suction during the procedure, but not discomfort.) The Cellfina device uses a microblade in a process called subcision to cut the connective tissue bands, causing your skin to rebound into place. It takes about an hour to treat 25 dimples.

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Rest and recover, and watch the magic happen.

You can drive yourself home following your Cellfina session and should be able to return to your normal schedule within 24 hours. While you may experience some soreness, tenderness, or bruising, these should resolve within a short time. We recommend that you wear a compression garment such as bike shorts or tight yoga pants for two weeks following your treatment, and you should also limit your exercise for a few days afterward. You should start to see the results within three days, and they often last up to three years. 

Experts In The Art Of Aesthetics.

Our goal at SVIA is to bring out the best in every patient who walks through our doors and entrusts us with their aesthetic journey. Cellfina is one of the many services we offer to support your goals. Call for your first visit today.

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