With the number of women seeking breast augmentation in Sacramento and around the world increasing year by year, there have been a number of innovations in the types of implants used for placement, as well as the techniques that can achieve elegant and natural-looking results. Our board-certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu, understand that women choose breast augmentation for a variety of reasons, including to obtain a better fit for clothing or to enhance their confidence, self-esteem, and body image. Our doctors and medical team can provide you with extensive implant options and personalized care to make your desired contours a reality.  Exploring the before-and-after photos in our patient gallery can be an excellent way to learn about the types of results that are possible with breast augmentation. If desired, a breast lift can also be performed in conjunction with implant placement to correct breast sag and maximize the outcome of your breast surgery.

What Can Breast Augmentation Accomplish?

Breast augmentation in Sacramento can refine the breast contours in many ways depending on each patient’s reasons for surgery. From the ideal incision placement to the best type and shape of implant for your needs, this breast surgery is wholly personalized to achieve your goals. In general, breast augmentation can be performed to:

  • Enlarge the breast size
  • Restore volume and fullness in the breasts
  • Correct asymmetries or contour irregularities
  • Attain a more sensual silhouette
  • Allow a better fit for clothing
  • Reconstruct the breasts after the cancer removal surgery

Exploring the before-and-after photos in our patient gallery can be an excellent way to learn about the types of results possible with breast augmentation. If desired, a breast lift can also be performed with implant placement to correct breast sag and maximize the outcome of your breast surgery.

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Types Of Breast Implants

Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu offer saline and silicone breast implants in addition to relatively newer implant options, including: Natrelle INSPIRA® SoftTouch, OPUS Luxe®, “gummy bear” (form-stable) silicone implants, and the innovative IDEAL IMPLANT®, among others. After a discussion about your goals and preferences, our plastic surgeons can help you determine the best type of implant to achieve your goals. During your consultation, you will also be able to “try on” different sizes and kinds of implants so you can assess how each option will look in relation to your entire silhouette.

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Incisions For Breast Augmentation

When your breast surgeon places your breast implants, there are three incision options that can be utilized to perform your augmentation. Each technique offers its own benefits, and the ideal incision depends on your existing breast size, the dimensions of your implants, and the thickness of your breast skin:


Placed along the borders of the areola. This incision is most successful for relatively smaller breast implants. While the periareolar incision is not recommended for women who wish to breastfeed in the future, this technique can allow post-operative scars to blend into the natural change in pigmentation between the skin and the areola.


Made along the natural breast crease. Inframammary breast augmentation is typically more versatile when compared to other incisions and can produce natural-looking results for implants of any type or size.


Located in a natural fold of the armpit. With this technique, a saline implant is filled after insertion into the breast pocket. A transaxillary incision can only be utilized when placing saline implants, but it offers the benefit of an unscarred breast appearance.

Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu will recommend an optimal incision based on your needs and goals for the outcome. The inframammary incision is usually the most common breast augmentation technique, as this location within the breast crease can offer more visibility when positioning the implant, and scars often blend into the natural contour of the breast fold.

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How Is The Breast Augmentation Procedure Performed?

Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure that uses general anesthesia, which is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist. The surgery is performed by carefully placing incisions in the pre-determined locations discussed above. Through these incisions, Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu will position your implant either above or below your pectoral muscles depending on the best pocket placement for your needs. Once the desired contours have been achieved, your incisions will be closed and you will be able to recover from the comfort of your own home after a brief observation period. The entire procedure typically takes one hour, although the length of surgery will vary from patient to patient.

RNR Procedures


The recovery period after breast augmentation is generally well-tolerated, and most patients feel well enough to return to work after one week. During the first 24 hours after surgery, it’s advised that you have a friend or loved one take on household chores so you can focus on healing.

Breast augmentation patients usually feel more robust by the fourth or fifth day of recovery. Bruising and swelling are expected and should resolve independently as the healing process progresses. Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu will fully inform you of aftercare instructions, activity restrictions, and your expected recovery timeline. They will also monitor your progress through periodic post-operative follow-up appointments

Introducing Our Signature RNR™ Procedures

Returning to normalcy after an invasive surgical procedure can take time and may include a fair amount of discomfort. In response, the Silicon Valley Institute for Aesthetics has pioneered a recovery approach that foregoes the need for narcotics pain medications, thanks to our signature RNR Procedures.

You’ll love our RNR Procedures for the following reasons:

  • Accelerated aftercare process
  • Minimal use of opiates
  • Use of gentle medications
  • No restrictions on movement
  • No need for special dressings, bras, or drains
  • Use of nerve blockage for enhanced comfort
  • Ability to shower within 24 hours of your procedure

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

The cost of breast augmentation in Sacramento will vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The surgeon's fee
  • The facility fees
  • The type of implant used

In general, saline breast implants will cost between $5,500 and $6,500, while silicone breast implants will cost between $6,500 and $7,500. It is best to schedule a consultation with our team for a personal cost estimate.

RNR Breast Augmentation

During our RNR Breast Augmentation procedure, we’ll use local anesthetic techniques to block specific sensory nerves paired with medication that helps avoid post-op nausea. This promotes a speedy aftercare process while reducing postoperative pain.

Additionally, our “no-touch” technique helps prevent bleeding, while using the Keller funnel minimizes the risk of capsular contracture. The Keller funnel also reduces tissue injury during the procedure, along with antibiotic and betadine irrigation.

Your SVIA surgeon uses a surgical closure technique that minimizes scarring, and we’ll only outfit you with a surgical dressing. This means you won’t have to deal with wraps that limit your range of motion so you can return to mobility as soon as possible.

If you want to know more about our RNR Procedures, simply reach out and set up your consultation with a team member today.

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