Revitalize Your Look

As facial volume naturally diminishes, it can lead to the development of jowls, sagging skin, and sunken features. While these changes are typically undesired, a facelift in Sacramento offers a potent solution to restore facial tissues to their original state, promoting a more youthful, vital, and healthy appearance. Our board-certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu, employ advanced facelift techniques at Silicon Valley Institute for Aesthetics (SVIA) to achieve a natural-looking outcome with subtle surgical indications.

What Is A FaceLift? 

Sometimes referred to as a “rhytidectomy,” a facelift is a facial plastic surgery procedure designed to address signs of aging in the lower face and neck, resulting in a more refreshed and youthful look. The process starts with a facial analysis, wherein Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu will examine your skin, facial volume, and the extent of your facial aging from all angles. From this evaluation, our plastic surgeons can repair the skin, fat, musculature, and soft tissues of the face to yield a smoother and firmer aesthetic. When performed correctly, a facelift should make a patient look younger while highlighting their natural beauty and the unique character of their face. A frozen, “windswept,” or artificial look are often associated with more outdated techniques and can be signs of a poorly performed facelift. 

What Can Be Achieved With A Facelift?

A facelift is currently the only treatment option that can make a patient look up to ten years younger by lifting and rejuvenating the facial tissues. The procedure can improve many of the most prominent signs of facial aging, including: 

  • Jowls, or sagging skin along the jawline
  • Creases in the lower face, such as nasolabial folds
  • Loose skin in the neck and under the chin
  • Horizontal neck bands

Facelift results are usually most optimal when complemented with other facial rejuvenation techniques, such as volume enhancement with dermal fillers, PRP therapy, high-quality skincare products, and laser skin resurfacing, among other non-surgical cosmetic treatments.

Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu can determine the most appropriate modalities to revitalize your face while ensuring that your results appear natural and elegant. 

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Is A Facelift Right For Me?

If you are relatively healthy and are bothered by indications of aging in the lower face and neck, a facelift can be an effective solution that helps you attain a more youthful aesthetic. This depends on whether you exhibit the types of concerns that a facelift seeks to correct, such as loose, sagging skin or laxity in the submental area (under your chin). Contrary to popular belief, there is no “right” age for a facelift. The procedure may be as appropriate for a patient in their thirties as it is for an individual in their fifties—candidacy is ultimately contingent on the extent of your facial aging. A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to properly determine whether or not you can benefit from a facelift. If a surgical procedure is not necessary to achieve your goals, our physician-led medical spa also offers a wide variety of rejuvenating facial treatments that may better resolve your concerns. 

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How Is A Facelift Performed?

A facelift in Sacramento is performed as an outpatient procedure at our accredited surgical facility in Sacramento. General anesthesia is utilized, and our board-certified anesthesiologist will be present at all times to monitor your vitals. Incisions are typically placed within the hairline and/or along the natural curvature of the ears to allow for undetectable post-operative scarring.

From these incisions, your plastic surgeon will lift and reposition descended facial tissue to create a firmer foundation. Excess skin will be removed and fat will be repositioned to smooth the jowls, resulting in a more youthful jaw contour. Once the desired outcome has been achieved, the incisions will be closed and you will be able to recover at home with the help of a friend or loved one. 

What Is Recovery From A Facelift Like?

Following facelift surgery, we advise recovering in an aftercare facility or under the supervision of an at-home nurse for the first 24 hours. Patients typically feel very well two to three days after their procedure and many return to non-strenuous work after one week. Swelling and bruising should be expected, but the majority of inflammation should subside within the first week of recovery.

Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions regarding activity restrictions and incision care. They will also closely monitor your recovery through periodic follow-up appointments to ensure the healing process is progressing as expected. Exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided for at least two to three weeks.

A facelift is simply the foremost treatment option in a myriad of facial rejuvenation techniques designed to keep your appearance healthy and vibrant. At Silicon Valley Institute for Aesthetics (SVIA), we can develop a customized treatment plan for your unique skin type, needs, and cosmetic desires. Please contact SVIA at our Sacramento practice for more information.

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