Belotero: Designer dermal filler

Belotero is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler with a difference. The gel has a softer consistency than most other popular fillers and is often the ideal injectable for lines and creases closer to the skin’s surface.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in your body, keeping skin plump and resilient, looking young and smooth. 

Belotero is an FDA-approved HA-based dermal filler that can be injected to treat: 

  • Under-eye bags
  • Lines and creases around your mouth, eyes, and nose
  • Jawline and cheek contouring
  • Forehead wrinkles and creases
  • Thinning lips, lip lines

The SVIA difference

You can expect world-class care at our private, luxury SVIA offices. We want to inspire change in how you feel about yourself and the joy that comes with confidence. At SVIA, we are passionate about delivering a unique aesthetic experience, personalized for your needs and aesthetic goals. When you come to SVIA, we will meet with you to ensure we understand your aesthetic goals and to offer professional guidance regarding Belotero injections, other fillers, and our array of skin rejuvenation treatments. We will review your medical history to ensure you are a candidate, and custom tailor a Belotero treatment plan, specific to you, and you alone.

What is a Belotero treatment like?

Belotero injections are a minimally invasive treatment performed in privacy. We will cleanse and mark the treatment area. Then, we inject Belotero using a fine gauge needle. Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, is in the formulas to minimize discomfort. If you need more, we can apply a topical numbing cream. The entire session should last between 15 minutes to an hour, depending on your unique needs.

No downtime – just pure beauty.

After treatments with Belotero, you can immediately return to your normal schedule. You may see some redness, swelling or tenderness at the injection sites, which fades rapidly. You should avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours. You will enjoy the changes to your look at once, with the result achieved in about two weeks.

The smoothing effect of Belotero lasts about 6 to 18 months depending on the area treated. At SVIA, our goal is to bring out the best in every patient who walks through our doors and entrusts us with their aesthetic journey. We focus on delivering top-of-the-line, world-class service, and treatments.

At SVIA in Sacramento, you can expect superior outcomes.

Powered by our genuine passion for aesthetics, we have built SVIA on the foundations of excellence, integrity, and service. We believe the aesthetic journey consists of curating a specific set of effective treatments tailored to the individual patient. Drawing upon our detailed surgical expertise, we optimize patient outcomes by utilizing proven technologies and techniques in all categories, and our expert injectors create stunning results with Belotero. Call SVIA today to plan your journey to smoother, more youthful skin!

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