Labiaplasty for Enhanced Comfort and Confidence

Stretched, elongated, or excess tissue in the inner labia can cause symptoms like friction, painful twisting and tugging, sexual dysfunction, and soreness, among other issues. By personalizing the your procedure to reduce (or eliminate) your symptoms, our board-certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeons can help you enjoy a more confident and comfortable quality of life with vaginal rejuvenation in Sacramento.

What Is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is designed to remove or resculpt tissue in the labia minora — the inner labial folds closest to the clitoris. The outer labia majora is also sometimes addressed depending on each patient’s unique treatment plan. When aging, pregnancy, weight fluctuation, or other factors increase skin laxity to the point where the labia minora stretches past the labia majora, the condition is sometimes referred to as “labial minora hypertrophy.” Labiaplasty is a vaginal rejuvenation procedure that can be performed to ensure the inner labial tissue does not extend past the outer folds, generally providing a tighter, more contoured result. The procedure can be pursued for cosmetic and/or functional purposes, and Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu can help you determine the best technique to achieve your goals. 

What Concerns Can Be Treated With Labiaplasty?

Labial recontouring can be performed to correct a range of issues affecting a patient’s intimate wellness, including: 

  • Painful twisting and tugging
  • Itching, friction, and general discomfort
  • Visibility through clothing
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Stretched or loose tissue
  • Asymmetry

Labiaplasty is considered the most powerful and long-lasting treatment option to improve or even eliminate these symptoms. Many patients who receive labiaplasty from a qualified plastic surgeon report having enhanced levels of self-confidence as a result of their procedure, which can even be utilized to restore an individual’s pre-pregnancy appearance as part of a Mommy Makeover if desired. 

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Is Labiaplasty Right For Me?

Labiaplasty may be a good option to address your concerns if you believe your quality of life is being reduced by lax vaginal contours, a genital injury, or decreased sensation resulting from multiple vaginal deliveries, among other indications. This surgery is also most successful for patients who have realistic expectations about what labiaplasty can accomplish, and who maintain a positive outlook on the procedure. Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu understand that not all patients want to undergo the invasiveness and recovery time associated with a surgical procedure.

What Is Recovery From Labiaplasty Like?

Swelling, bruising, soreness, and tenderness are all normal reactions after labiaplasty, and patients may need to utilize ice packs for the first few days of their recovery. Medications are typically enough to manage any discomfort following surgery. Your plastic surgeon will provide you with detailed information about activity restrictions, wound care measures, and other post-operative instructions to facilitate a smooth healing period. The length of the recovery process varies depending on the nature of your treatment plan, but patients generally return to non-strenuous work after one week. Demanding physical activity, exercise, and sexual intercourse should be avoided for four to six weeks, or until Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu advises otherwise. 

Labiaplasty can be a long-term solution to the cosmetic and functional issues presented by excess, stretched labial tissue. If you’re struggling with laxity in your intimate areas, our plastic surgeons at Silicon Valley Institute for Aesthetics (SVIA) can discuss your concerns and provide you with the compassionate, high-quality care you deserve. Contact SVIA today to schedule a private consultation or to speak with a friendly member of our team. 

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